Monday, October 15, 2018

Patience in Learning

This year, God has placed patience during learning on my heart. Instead of stressing out to have my children awake early, becoming frustrated in forcing them to complete core subjects right away, and making our family stick to a clock schedule..... which didn't work.... I prayed to God after some rough days and felt His peace and wisdom in changing our environment around a bit. I then decided to also listen to my husband and let the children sleep in.
This way, they weren't tired or frustrated in the early morning. And, now, its been so much more relaxed and everyone is enjoying school days at home.

So, now my days look like this: (a few pictures of our books/ideas included) 1st grader has reduced work, but sticks with this schedule too...

7:30 - 8:00 am I wake up... I enjoy listening to worship music, switching laundry, finishing some dishes, sipping coffee, and even making some 100% whole grain Kodiak pancakes from Costco (our favorite breakfast)  while our house is warming by the fireplace.
I try to catch up on little bits and pieces.

9:30 - 10 am - Yes thats right! Kids are awake and have eaten breakfast
(Sometimes they wake up earlier on their own to complete their school work independently and thats fine too)

10- 10:30 am We start our school routine and are patient on the clock from there

- Morning Time:
Bible Devotional (I read this to all the kids out loud as a group and we have a discussion)
Next year, we will also be adding in individual Bible work through Rod and Staff, other programs.
Picture Book/Living Book - Right now, we are reading "Geography for Primary Grades"
and discussing minerals and metals that come from our earth

-History Notebooking - Use a spine with your own curriculum that list topics to cover and create your own adventure- Right now we are trekking through Ancient History...
I print off facts from our own books lying around and create sentences or paragraphs to be traced over with "Amazing Handwriting Worksheet Maker" This can be googled (I prep a weeks worth of worksheets, 1 per day) I am amazed at how much my children retain through reading and writing.
Along with with painting or coloring a history picture that matches our topic that I have printed off online.
They love starting out this way! And they practice good handwriting. Painting and coloring is done while easing into school and sometimes with music in the background.
(I cut and glue these into their notebooks)
A coloring page example for our upcoming unit on ancient China

- Mathematics and English
The kids work on their grade level workbooks/worksheets
I rotate helping the kids
*My favorite maths I am interested in so far are Math Mammoth, Rod and Staff, and Saxon
*English that we find works well are Climbing to Good English/ Rod and Staff
Math Mammoth is used for grades 3 and 5 and is very advanced but doesn't spiral many topics. One topic is covered routinely. There are two work texts for each grade. Right now, my son is learning all things fractions with Worktext B. My 3rd grader is learning about all things multiplication and also about order of operations. 1st grader is working on MyMath by McGraw Hill- we are switching to Rod and Staff Math 2 for next year.
 Each child has one of these workbooks for their grade level. These are so well-done for older grades.

..... Somewhere in here I ask the kids to recite the Hebrew Alef Bet. (We are currently looking for an online program to continue our journey- the book is too complicated but I'll try when I have time

Reading Science Textbooks or Living Books/Journaling
- Each child reads 2 pages of their textbooks a day
- 2 Journal Entries with drawings are completed each week

*I have created my own spelling lists for the older kids. The two older kids have a required spelling review during the week and a test at the end of the week- next year, we will switch to Words Wisely (I think thats it)
*A paper by each child, even in first grade is usually due at the end of the week (Though sometimes I ease up a bit) They have to practice writing on a topic I choose for an educational topic, or they can free write about something on their own.

We rotate in hands-on crafts and fun activities like building with legos, using clay, or painting and copywork from fun books or ideas for holidays or special topics . I like finding classic cartoons for the kids to watch, as they are wholesome and in a different era.
ic : in Geography we will be using tin cans to make our own candle holders with a pattern created from a hammer and nails (using a clean can, frozen and filled with water, to pound nails into- once its done, remove the ice and place a tea light candle inside)

This example link is for the classic cartoon, "The Little House" by Walt Disney in the 50's. We talked about the Age of Progress after viewing it.

We have Awana, Gymnastics, Swimming, and Co-OP. Ski and Snowboard days coming.
Also, the kids play outdoors a lot each day.

Right now, thats what is working for our family.

Zippy in Literacy

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