You might think I don't love this ministry, but actually I do. Debi Pearl is so wise and so is her husband. They have provided a life example of how to raise a godly family and live as a Christian in a perverse world. I love Debi Pearl's book, "Created to be His Help Meet." It will always be one of my favorite and personal recommended books for marriage and triumph. Also, I love her other books and I listen to a lot of Michael Pearl's teachings and wisdom.
I think they have a beautiful family and the Lord placed this ministry in my life for a lot of wisdom and growth. I am excited to see how their son takes over this ministry.
However, we are all human. The one thing I feel a need to call out and that I don't like, is that they say Christian schools, especially large Christian schools are of the devil or that as a parent, even if you send your child to Christian school, you are surrendering your rights and authority. I think any Christian parent and whatever route they choose, public, private, or homeschool, has a lot of prayer behind it. A solid Christian parent will walk alongside their child in whatever route is chosen, being a light in this mission.
This is a hard issue, not cut and dry, because there are so many factors. Also, I think Jesus is personally offended with the false judgement and lies toward the people who make up His church and body that strive to please Him and live on mission for training children in righteousness and godliness (specifically---Christian schools). Christian schools actually fight a hard battle, they are in a spiritual war and are walking alongside the family to train children in godliness-against the world. They are also equipping children, especially boys who will one day work and provide for their families; to go out into the workforce. Not every man is called to be a farmer. My husband is a pilot.
I also believe a lot of women are blessed and have a calling to bless the world; if and only if they can take care of their homes and children first and foremost. (while I want to be at home full-time) I have been blessed and my children have been blessed by so many women in the medical and dental field, etc. who the Lord used to help us in times of need. We have especially been blessed by godly male and female Christian teachers who have helped raise our children in biblical ways.
While I agree a woman's best calling is full time at home, and busy at home if she is married and has little children who need tended too often- another way of life- in still coming home after working to help her family, especially if it pleases Christ, is not sin. Every route in life has wise choices and wiser choices. A teacher is on a mission to train littles. What about the wife whose husband is sick or on medical leave? What about a move that can't happen more affordably, and the husband asks his wife to work and she obeys him? What about a wife who works part time to aid her family's provisions? What about having to do it full time for a while or a season?
Regardless of getting into the nitty gritty (where I do believe modern Christianity has failed in some ways as not uplifting homemakers, judging homeschoolers as legalists etc.) It is not my job to judge other Christian ministries or parents, especially ones I don't even know personally on such a broad, leveled term; and their walk with the Lord- fruit of their ministry/home life. This isn't right and actually I believe Christian schools deserve an apology from their public shaming and hurtful, unChristlike attitude; which is not gentle, loving, or kind.--The fruits of the Holy Spirit. It also places a strong level of pride before others; which is what the Pharisees would emulate-- and that Jesus was at war with constantly. Christ actually thought their opinions and righteous justifications were filthy. Sometimes, you just can't win with the Pearls, or I heard someone say.
Also, some of the most godly people I know send their children to public school and place them on the front lines of warfare. Though this isn't our family's personal calling, however, many kids come out of this like the story of Lot. They can't stand to look at darkness- it makes them sick, they have seen the difference, and they are some of the most authentic and God-fearing Christians I know; who had to become strong and learn how to choose good over evil. Always fun-- no. But learned. There are also wonderful Christian teachers in public schools who love some of the most desperate kids in need who are underground missionaries.
While we all might have different ways we tend to our homes or stay busy in our homes as women, we shouldn't be holding a rod of judgement over others that we don't even personally know.
While, I obviously think the modern agendas of the world filtering into public schools today are demonic, this doesn't mean Jesus stops at the door of public schools. In fact, Jesus went in to the darkest places and loved the worst.
The thing that upsets me the most when I get their magazine, on this one issue, nothing else so far--- is that there is a lack of scripture for calling Christian schools of the devil. This is not in the Bible, Jesus is our authority, not a personal opinion, and this is dangerous to spew without the fruits of the Spirit. These are people and institutions who have devoted themselves to Christ as their Lord. If you are going to judge the church or a ministry ( which we are actually called to do) you should know them or the ministry personally and have a wide range of reasons for doing so- Bible with you. Anything else is a stinky level of pride that says I am a better Christian than you. I had to repent of this way a long time ago and still do to this day at times.
All in all, I do love the Pearls. As with everyone, we all fall short. Jesus welcomed whoever would come to Him. He did not isolate himself from those who came to Him or wanted to know about His ministry and mission. He loved and went into the nitty gritty with others and when He did call them out--- He had plenty good reason and knowledge to do so.
I still highly recommend their ministry, but calling out a falsity is a must for my own personal witness to others as a Christian and parent who has sent their children to Christian schools. We do send our older children to Christian school while homeschooling our littles. Our older children have attended Christian school and done homeschool their whole lives. I have only seen radical growth from the authentic discipleship, mentoring, and pouring into my children from the ministries we have personally chosen. So to our family, this issue of Christian schools being a problem is laughable, with actual, personal experience. I mean nothing of offense, but teachers are called to a higher standard and readers are not as isolated as they think. Many people they don't think might enjoy their ministry--- actually do.
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