Sunday, November 19, 2023

Why I Said No to the Good and the Beautiful

First off, please do not hate me for sharing this post. I do not hate you. I believe a grounded Christian can use this curriculum and not be swayed. However, you should also know who is writing it. Even though it is reviewed by many churches, some of its reviewers are not Christian. And, even if it doesn't sway you doctrinally, the person who writes it is a Mormon, not a Christian. Are those really the words of the Holy Spirit if anything addresses God or His attributes, Christian virtues?? I think not. 

I do not  write this to be cruel, but I too saw how beautiful the curriculum was and I thought - amazing. Then, I learned it was written from a Mormon mother. This could not clash with my personal calling. Any type of subject that addresses God or His rules, blessings, attributes, etc. must be written by a biblical, spirit-filled Christian for me to endorse it.

Also, pray for the author. Pray she comes to know the real Savior. The One God of the Bible, (Father,Son, and Holy Spirit) Jesus Christ. Pray that this uproar of opinions across the homeschool world might actually be the Lord and goads panging at her heart to follow real faith, true scripture, and the one and only way to Salvation- Jesus Christ- Lord of All. The Door. The Way. The Great I AM.

You also are free to have your own opinion based off of your relationship with Christ if you are a Christian. I am just sharing my convictions. I do use other denominational homeschool curriculums, however, they are only Christian - for my convictions and faith. I might disagree on a non-salvation issue but never a salvation issue.  I could argue (well not argue- discuss and point to scriptures and my beliefs)  about clothing styles, non-essential things all day- but if it is a brother or sister in Christ, it is much different than a person who professes a false fatih. In all honesty, the Christian world has disagreements  on non- essentials a lot. Worship styles, traditional, modern, etc. Yoga pants or not for women, etc. Jeans or skirts for women? Skinny jeans or not- what's modest? Homeschool or school? Which Co-OP? etc. 

I want to share this article. In fact, this mom's information and sharing her heart to protect Christians caused her immense persecution. I completely match her biblical statement of faith. She now creates Gather Round Homeschool- which is beautiful as well. God had a calling for her.

And if you never knew what you now know about the Good and the Beautiful Curriculum... I pray you and Jesus---the real God, have conversations, prayer, scripture reading, and more before you make your personal decision with your personal choice.  Much, much, love. Briana

the curriculum is written by a member of the Mormon church. the problem is that this program is marketed towards non denominational Christians and the fact that it was created by Mormons should be disclosed more openly.

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