Well, at least they are new to me! As a homeschool parent, you need to expect a lot of planning. Whichever route you choose. So far, I intend to implement some of these things in our classical learning journey- which I plan on educating my littles with. Charlotte Mason blends perfectly with Classical Learning, because you can use any guide or curriculum spine and choose living books for that topic.
Also, you can use unit studies and more to enrich learning through any topic you are covering.
I plan, in future years, Lord-willing, to create a spreadsheet planning out the school year weeks. I will label it with different topics we will focus on, and research, list picture books, etc. that will match with that topic.
Anyways, here are the resources!
1. Story of the World Alternative: Biblioplan
Biblioplan has specifically been created to help Classical Conversations students and classical learners in their history cycles and more. They are an alternative to Story of the World. You follow the C.C. cycle with their matching bundles. ie: Cycle 3 is bundle 3. Cycle 1 is bundle 1. Cycle 2 is bundle 2. This walks alongside C.C.
I do love some things about Story of the World, but I'm not a sold out fan. I like that Biblioplan seems to be incredibly similar, with a passion to educate students more so in scripture.
I learned about this difference from the Proverbial Homemaker Blog- who meshes a lot of her curriculum with Classical Conversations.
2. Nature Study- Use unit studies for in depth learning with your C.C. or Charlotte Mason guide...
(I haven't studied these in depth, but they are recommended by a lot of homeschoolers...)
-No Sweat Nature Studies
We plan on using treehouse schoolhouse nature studies for fun. Her blogs looks amazing and she wants to grow biblically minded kids.
Rod and Staff and Christian Light Education are our Bible and Language spine. They are Mennonite publishers and do match a statement of Fatih consistent with Calvary Chapel, Baptists, Non-Denominational. The only disagreement you might find (not with all Mennonites) is with conservative clothes or head coverings. I believe the Bible gives a woman long hair for her covering. 1 Corinthians 11:15. However, since this is not a salvation issue; our family has chosen these publishers to grow our children's faith strong in Christ as Lord. They are wonderful home supplements in discipleship and my older kids used their products a lot when homeschooled. I always laugh and tell my oldest son--- you know that old-fashioned curriculum your mom would make you use and taught you with---- that's part of why you have grown into the godly Christian man you are!
These go through middle and high school levels!
Kind of like how the Baptist church came out with a strong statement of faith; for it's entire church body, so the Mennonite church did the same. Christian Light Education and Rod and Staff matches this statement of faith, as they are Mennonite publishers and adhere to the Mennonite church in all of their curriculum for schools, churches, and homes. One strength I have seen, well many actually, is the resources for home devotionals and children's learning separate from school and church materials. Also, the call to peace and non-violence like Christ showed through His example of love. Statement of Faith to be clicked on below, it's comprehensive, just like their curriculums!
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