Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Bringing in Charlotte Mason and Classical Philosophies

No matter what curriculum you are using, you can enhance your work through Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education, adding classical enrichment also.

Adding CM & Classical Inspiration:

Example Topic: Colonial Times

1. Living Literature
What are you studying in your textbooks or material? Shop online at Amazon or another online marketplace and search/order books that relate to that topic or time period.  Find chapter books, fiction or non-fiction, related to pioneers growing up. Have your child read a small chapter book about children experiencing the great and devastating dust bowls back in history. Read the Laura Ingalls Wilder series etc.

2. Handicrafts
Tin Foil Painting- Paint a log cabin on tin foil
Build a log cabin using glue and popsicle sticks
Build a farm or cabin out of legos
Make a corn-husk doll

3. Copywork and Journaling
Copy a passage from a literature piece you are reading about into your journal. Sketch a picture above your written narration. After sketching, use pastels or watercolor paints to finish your creation.

4. Nature
Find things pioneers would use outdoors. Bring in pinecones and paint faces on them to make pinecone dolls.

5. Adding in Classics
Watch a classic cartoon or movie about this time period. Write a paper ( maybe a paragraph or two for younger children) after viewing your learning material- into your language arts notebook.
View classical artwork in this time period and try to redraw and paint it- always citing the original artist.

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