Monday, June 26, 2023

Treasuring & Building Family Life

Be strong where God has placed you. Cherish your marriage, your home, your church, your community. Place your kids in a Christian community that is constant and fellowship with other believers regularly as you are able. Guard your hearts for Christ alone.  Focus on creating a community and delving into the community you have for your kids and family life. 

Motherhood is one of God’s greatest gifts to me on this earth. There is not a distance I would not go for each one of my children. I love them all the same; and the most important thing to me is for them to accept and walk with Jesus, which He has faithfully answered as they grow.

Fatherhood is a gift. It shows the way of the cross, the sacrifice and provision of Jesus, and the way of selfless love. I am blessed to have a husband, who is not perfect as I am also imperfect, yet strives to be like Christ in honoring God through provisions and care for his family daily. 

As a mother, I have suffered for my children and gone to the best and hardest places for them. I love them with all of my being and I will always comfort, protect, and lead them towards Jesus and lead them in life. I would fight to the death for any one of them and they are some of my greatest accomplishments. 

Sweet Mama, lean on Jesus in the good days and bad days. Treasure your own children and the home He has given you sphere of. Raise your home and your household in the Lord and in His love and guidance through reading the Bible--yes actually reading the Bible for yourself . 

I have made so many mistakes as a mom. Now in my thirties, I will still make mistakes, but I cling to the cross that was given for all creation to accept or reject. I accept the Lord's sacrifice for me and He has birthed such a beautiful family, as your family is beautiful as well.

The biblical family is so important in today’s society. Today, if you have a ministry in your home, you are scrutinized and looked down upon. Sweet mama, the Lords best gifts are to nurture, disciple, and train your little ones and your children as they grow in your care and the care of the village you surround them in; walking alongside your husband’s leadership. We all fall short, we all have to repent, get up , and wipe off our knees. One thing I know, looking to Jesus first gives you everything else. 

Also, don’t fret about the future or make solid plans, take one day at a time as our Lord said, for each day has enough trouble if its own.  We can't know the future. God knows.

Be a warrior in todays society; marry, bear children, and set your households to honor the King, the great King Jesus. You will face persecutions, you might hurt some feelings, but who cares. Honor the Lord.

Treasure time with your children. Create enjoyable tasks for them to partake in. I’m starting knitting/crocheting and needle felting animals with my older girls after school time. I listen to my son play the guitar and drums for the Lord, praising His name. And I am always on the run to get him in between sports, youth group, church activities, and school.

I watch my preschooler play with her dollhouse and kitchen and sing her ABC’s at home. I also put on Listener Kids worship on YouTube for her to dance too. It’s the best for little hearts, along with Beginners Bible episodes and Nest entertainment . (Yes YouTube if properly monitored can be a blessing :) )

I’m also excited for Abeka full time preschool @ home and will look into musical instruments and learning them as enrichment for her at some point...

All these things are wonderful, but only looking to Jesus is the real answer. Make nothing an idol in your life. Give it all to him. 

And most of all- create your biblical village however you see fit to nurture and train your children and to guard your family in today's society.

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