Monday, July 10, 2023

Great YouTube Sermon

         I have always loved the ministry of Michael and Debi Pearl. While, as with any person, you might not agree on personal or child raising opinions one hundred percent , I have nothing but respect and trust for Michael Pearl as a wonderful Bible teacher. I also love No Greater Joy magazine. I find myself listening to Bible questions and answers on YouTube and gleaning from Debi Pearl’s wisdom for wives and mothers often. 

My husband and I have gotten quite fun in our mid age lol- always busy with dishes or staying busy with our kids, or at home. But, we thoroughly enjoyed this teaching sitting around our living room this evening.  While we believe there is evidence for both Calvinism and Arminianism support in scripture, we do believe Jesus died for every creature and that man has a free will to choose God’s gracious offer of salvation. We also know without the cross, no person could come to Jesus, and that’s from eternity outside of time, or human understandings of time. I loved that our girls sat and listened in as I found the descriptions of the Bible verses and the approach to teaching meaty and full of wisdom. He is against Calvinism and I have respect for both parties, but I side more Arminian after some years of wrestling scripture. 

 We are all sinners, no one greater than the other. Jesus loves and forgives sinners and any bad thing you have done - He made peace at the cross and you can turn and repent. But, we do have a choice and conscience from the Lord to choose right and shun evil. This is what God requires of His followers. Love this title, it captivated us to listen. If God set you free - help others. Love and forgive yourself and others.

By the way, Jeremy told our daughter Annabelle he is planning on growing this awesome beard in his sixties and preaching out in Tennessee haha. Love it . That would be awesome.  He was joking, because we are more mountain people and have been called to major cities for Christ at times, but I love the country which is why our mountain town is a great middle ground. He also doesn’t think he’d be a good Bible teacher, but I do. Like Michael Pearl, he’s a little rough around the edges and unapologetic. 

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