Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Recovery Update and What Love Looks Like

Thank you to anyone (you know who you are) for praying for me with my surgery. It feels amazing to have a literal flat abdomen. I'm shocked looking in the mirror after a decade of lots of issues with skin and muscles with my pregnancies. Again, I wouldn't change any of that humble suffering for the world. I only decided to complete this last surgery as a re-do to help me in my years after childbirth to feel my best and to be my happiest in ministry and family with my husband. He got fixed ( as we prayed for us to both have peace on this issue for years) and we are following Jesus however that looks in our future more kids or not- (by this I only mean adoption, foster). This was the best and most humane birth control option. It was also the only semi and permanent option for us. I am against the pill and any other forms of birth control. I realized, thankfully from Focus on the Family, other forms can abort a conceived baby. This was not an option for me or my husband ever- at all. So thank you Focus on the Family for informing us of what we were unaware of and giving information for the biblical permanent option, my husband's sacrifice of sterilizing himself. (unless it heals and God just laughs at us one day! I've actually told Jesus that would be incredible haha).

Its no fun walking everywhere with a swollen belly. Now it's gone! Thank you Jesus! Thank you! My surgeon did an amazing job. Amazing. I'm still having fluids, and have blood draining into drains and bulbs through my abdomen, but I have zero, zero hang, torn apart muscles, etc. My tummy is flat. Flat. Flat. Thank you Jesus! I'm now breathing better, my posture is better, my organs are working better, I feel better. Hopefully I will heal correctly with continual no complications. This is my next prayer request. 

For now, prayers answered as my oxegyn is 97-98 without the tank for a few days. Some coughing, but I'm hoping my lungs are clear. 

I get my drains out next week. Praise Jesus! I think my husband is more excited than I am, draining my blood and fluids multiple times a day.

And patience. I can't lift for around six weeks. I can't bend. I can't lie flat. I walk a little, lie reclined a little. I take all my medications, so many, but am weaning off some and all my vitamins. 

Now for married couples, this is what sacrificial real love looks like. This is real Christ like love. A husband who is tired and exhausted taking care of everything with my family, yet shaving my legs because I  need help.. A husband who has to help me dress and shower. A husband who drains my blood. A husband who lays me down and props me up. A husband who prays over me, kisses my forehead, and does the same for the kids at night. A husband who let me feel better about myself. A husband who took the risk with me. 

A mom who is taking care of my kids around the clock, literally everything.
A stepdad who supports her supporting me. 

I am blessed. I'm blessed with all other friends and family. 
I am so glad I'm almost a week out. Those first few days were the worst. Absolute worst. It was scary with so much fluid, vomiting, not breathing well, extreme and massive headaches, tubes coming out of me (I'm used to that now) a little girl wondering why Mama couldn't walk normal or pick her up, a baby the same. 

We cuddle next to each other I stroke their heads, we read, we do school, we sing Jesus loves us, I can now sit outside.

I've definitely learned how to take care of another with how I have been taken care of. Love to all! 

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