Every child is different, have you noticed? God will faithfully lead you in raising your children when you surrender your heart to Him. However, He has given us a great responsibility as parents to bring our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our children are one of our greatest ministries, besides our marriage first. He has given children, biologically, adopted, foster, etc. as a joy. This might not be beautiful looking to the world of selfishness, all about me, and materialism; but it is the wise and gracious gift of God, to raise children. Not everyone has this calling, but for those who do, here are the things my husband and I have learned, re-learned along the way.
1. Schooling is a huge part of your child's day. Make sure their schooling is prayed about. Make sure how you are training your children is biblical, nurturing, and safe for their spiritual growth and well-being. Little children are fragile and precious to God. He is their all defender. Pray and have peace as a married couple in how you will raise each of your kiddos. Some kids need different consequences, different ways to apply the rod, different encouragement and rewards. God made them unique and beautiful and they will shine in the world in their own way.
2. As an older mom, I speak of a mom who had my first baby at 19, who is now 35; I am homeschooling my younger bunch for good. God has given me just so much time with my kids. As I've grown, I have realized you just don't get time back. I could put them in a wonderful Christian school, but the Lord has laid it on my heart to teach them at home. He provided an amazing community for me of like-minded mamas in my valley after years of prayer and a free desk; His little encouragements along the way. My husband supports me and allows this and is a sweety. Our other kiddos are older and attend Christian school; they have thrived. High school for our girls; we are really praying. We more so feel led to keep them home; while they attend sports and all the activities throughout the week as enrichment. My heart in this- our girls are at a vital age to be protected from peer influences and are being trained and molded for wife and motherhood. No other group is going to finish off this education of our children besides us- before they are launched into the world. Our son is more so free to be trained away from home at his age, because he most likely won't be home raising babies; he will be the provider for that wife and those babies, whether she works or not. He will need to learn to combat daily work and outside influences. God's best for a wife and mom is in the safety of her home with her children. -I'll show you...
Titus 2:3-5
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
God has amazing joy each day for me as I'm a wife and mother at home and I would never trade that in. Not ever. I've literally followed His word on the matter and found such an overflowing fountain of joy in my heart and soul that has led me by still waters, close to Him, a strong marriage no matter what, joy in each day, and such a strong knit family. As I say to my husband, I like you as my boss. No one else. Period.- I've always been just fine to go live in the woods and be a hillbilly; but I'll live that way in the suburbs. ;)
3. Love your children. Really love them. They aren't nice all the time. They have their own opinions. They get messy. They fall. They are beautiful. Clean them off literally and with the word of Christ.
4. Realize your children are your authority. Your children were given to you by Christ. Jesus did not give them to the government, He gave them to you. Jesus did not give them to anyone else to raise, He gave them to you and your husband. Jesus did not give them to school buildings or places of business, He gave them to you. Pray. Give your children over on your own accord to what you allow and feel Christ's peace with. Raise them in church and most importantly, let your home be that church for them throughout the week; however God's leading falls your way; working outside the home, schooling, homeschooling, etc.
5. Realize your kids will grow up and you will have done what you could. Once they are married, they are one flesh, God has created a new union not to be separated by any person. As their parent, you are their friend, their encourager, but you are no longer that authority once they are married off. Jeremy and I will have to experience this in the coming years; hopefully with much joy and freedom. We will always be there, always pronounce our love, and get to watch the little kids we raised grow into adults and rule their own households the natural way God intends. And I've learned its such a blessing to be your child's friend as they grow.
6. Find like-minded married couples with children that you can raise your family with. This promotes strong Christian fellowship, and is so healthy and rewarding for your kids. You don't have to agree or be similar on every thing; but your commitment to Christ, your commitment to your marriage, and your bold stance for biblical parenthood values will be a strong bond and community group for your household to lean on in the good and hard times of daily life.
I'm sure we will learn more along the way. :)
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