Wednesday, September 13, 2023

mama/homeschool blogs that have taught me over many years...


These resources to me are a treasure and a gem I am sharing with you. These are amazing Christian homemaking mamas who showcase their lives for the glory of Jesus and inspire women in their homes.

(On a special side note, my little Addi read her blend pages today, and one all by herself with our Abeka blends page! 

She is three and I have learned Abeka phonics is a wonderful program to mix with other curriculums that you use.)

Blogroll: Drink Coffee, Research, and Enjoy! 

#1 favorite of all time. This is a Christian mum in Australia who has many children and homeschooled them all. She is excellent at creating her own resources using a strong phonetic approach to reading. Her blog and archive links are what I would call a gem, showcasing the homeschool home in daily life and pictures, resources, and more. 

The Paper Maid :

#2 Confessions of a Homeschooler 

A wealth of resources for hands-on learning.

#4 Not Consumed
This mama has created an at home business creating Bible studies and amazing resources for the family and children. She homeschools and showcases their daily life, helping moms with resources, and more.

#5 The Unlikely Homeschool

These are the blogs I credit with getting me started in the passion driven world of home education. 
Whether you homeschool all or some of your kiddos, these are amazing resources. 
Happy Learning Mama :) 

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