“Being attentive to what Scripture makes plain is important, even if the plain words make us twitch. One of the plainest, most basic “goods” entrusted to a mum is summed up in Titus (make sure you’ve read this article).
In Titus 2, Paul speaks about women,
“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” (Titus 2:3-5)
Paul tells us what “devotion to doing good” will look like for a Christian woman who is married with children. It has an awful lot to do with her husband, her children and her home.
It makes sense that these relationships and the home are a big deal. I mentioned in the last article that there are no other people in the world with whom we are so physically bound. We have unmatched opportunity to help or hinder them. Marriage and motherhood bring duties which can’t be done without time spent in a shared place. After all, we are not disembodied beings. Marriage and mothering are full of full-bodied love to other persons who have bodies. To love a husband and children well takes a whole lot of pure, self-controlled, kind, home-work. It can’t be done remotely.
At some point, coming to terms with our God-given duties as wives and mums means coming to terms with the primary space where those good things originate and are expressed: our homes.
Before I had kids, I was eager to serve Jesus. My Bible was open and I wanted to study it with anyone I could find. The best way I saw of doing good was to lead Bible studies and sign up to whichever activity my church needed helpers for. In university Christian groups, whenever leaders (rarely) spoke about marriage, homemaking, and raising children, these things were on the list of things to be laid aside, or postponed, “for the sake of the gospel”. Perhaps I misunderstood the message, but that’s the meaning I internalised. The only category I had for giving time and attention to home was idolatry. Like any vocation which didn’t involve studying and teaching the Bible full-time, these things were dangerous, threatening to absorb time and energy; quenching zeal for the gospel and availability for “ministry”.
Putting effort into my husband, children and home were the things I thought would distract me from serving Jesus. Yet, here in Titus, that’s exactly what God is telling me to do. Paul is telling Titus
to teach the older women
to teach the younger women
to love (and be subject to) their husbands, to love their children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be kind and to be busy at home.
Only once have I been to a women’s conference in Australia where women were taught these things. Mostly, it’s either too troublesome to talk about, or considered irrelevant."
In a culture where the family is being attacked by satan on all sides, pushing the importance of the home away from the godly wife and mother is going along with the enemy and his plans.
From Bri---My tips from a wife of almost 17 years and a momma to 5... Not every mama can stay at home. However, the Bible does call women to be busy in their homes and more literal translations - to be a keeper at home. If your not out or working, your joy should be fulfilled in managing your home. The nitty gritty comes down to each family. I personally, can't pour my full 100 percent into my husband and children if I were to be outside my home. I could do wonderful things; but if I was neglecting my first priorities... I would be fruitless. Anything else wouldn't compare to following God's instructions in tending to my home. It can be done yes. I did it for a wonderful season. It was wonderful and a season. Then God started showing me things that were slipping through the cracks with being gone during the days. Do not be ashamed in a culture that wants to strip women of the high job of homemaking down to a pulp. Its beautiful. The christian community should value and uphold homemakers. Some communities do and some communities don't. Find a community that does. The words of Christ are a stumbling block. Many women don't want to hear or read these passages of scripture saying home is the best place for a wife and mom. It is. I would be completely lying if I told you it was not.
No business or ministry is more important than this first one. If you can manage your household while being gone during the day---wonderful. If you can't---- it's time to pray and read the Bible and reorganize priorities. Listening to God over people is the wisest decision you could ever make. As a stay at home mom, I'll tell you what the home brings for women-- 1. Protection from affairs. Gulp. Not being around other men in the workplace all day-- ya I said it. Its a big problem. I see it in the world all the time. 2. Protection from sexual harassment. If you are not in a Christian environment that is safe-- why would you want to be around other people, especially men that are not? 3. Precious time, rest, and reflection with the Lord, in your marriage, in your home, and with your kids or being able to drive them everywhere and do all things for them. 4. I've said it since I was married at 18, but if we couldn't afford a certain lifestyle for me to follow scripture and be busy at home- guess what--- that lifestyle is thrown out the window. That might be working from home more, moving to a cheap place, or following God on a new journey. And--- God's perfect plan, and I say perfect because reality is hard with the fall-- is to have an obedient husband who provides in order for the wife to live out a calling of being busy at home with the kids. Or, even if the wife works, having a husband who is still the provider so she is able to work in a calling or ministry as led; if she is still able to run her household first and foremost. You can call me old-fashioned, but when you stop fighting the scripture and listen to the Holy Spirit's best guidance for women; your world will change and you will find a new joy that runs deep. It's following your maker. Its following your nature. It's following the Lord against all else.
"For women who are married and have kids, home is the main place their obedience—or disobedience—to Jesus will be on display. It isn’t a distraction from serving Jesus, it’s the good service he’s given us to do.”
-Mother, Bible, Life
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